Evaluación productiva de cuatro cruces simmental por cebú en un sistema doble propósito en la altillanura colombiana, Puerto López Meta
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Zootecnia
El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el desempeño productivo de cuatro cruces Simmental por Cebú (1/2 Cebú 1/2 Simmental, 3/4 Cebú 1/4 Simmental, 3/8 Cebú 5/8 Simmental, 5/8 Cebú 3/8 Simmental) en un sistema doble propósito en la altillanura colombiana, en la Hacienda Lajitas, ubicada a 264 msnm, en el municipio de Puerto López, departamento del Meta, en el oriente colombiano, a 4° 09’ de latitud norte y 72° 53' de longitud oeste y a 206km por vía terrestre al suroriente de Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia. Esta hacienda tiene una extensión de 2740 ha y se sitúa en la región natural denominada llanura alta de la Orinoquia donde predomina una vegetación de sabanas de gramíneas sobre superficies onduladas o fuertemente onduladas, cuya formación vegetal corresponde exactamente al punto de transición entre bosque húmedo tropical y bosque seco tropical. El estudio se llevo a cabo a partir de información recolectada de los registros de producción de 1990 a 2003, y se analizaron datos bajo un diseño completamente al azar con cuatro tratamientos(C1: 1/2 Cebú x 1/2 Simmental, C2: 3/4 Cebú x 1/4 Simmental, C3: 3/8 Cebú x 5/8 Simmental, C4: 5/8 Cebú x 3/8 Simmental), las variables evaluadas fueron: edad al primer parto (EPP/ meses), intervalo entre partos (IEP/días), producción de leche por lactancia (PL), peso al nacimiento (PN), peso al destete (PD) ajustado a 240 días, para las variables de PN y PD se evaluaron datos tanto de crías machos como de hembras. En los parámetros reproductivos evaluados IEP y EPP, entre los cuatro cruces no se observó ninguna diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre ellos cuando se compararon (P≥ 0,05). Los parámetros productivos como PN, PD y PL, de los cruces tampoco presentaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la comparación, no obstante cuando se compararon entre sí por lactancias, los cruces C1-C2 y C1-C4 en crías hembras, para la primera lactancia y los cruces C1-C2 en machos obtuvieron una diferencia significativa (P≤ 0,05) en PD, en tanto se obtuvieron mejores pesos al nacimiento en la segunda lactancia para las crías de ambos sexos; en cuanto para PL los cruces C1-C2, C1-C4, C2-C3 en la primera lactancia, el cruce C1-C3 en la segunda lactancia, los cruces C1-C3, C1-C4 en la 2 tercera y cuarta lactancia, los cruces C1-C2, C1-C3, C1-C4 en la quinta lactancia, presentaron diferencia significativa (P≤0,05). Por lo tanto se puede concluir que la ventaja la alcanza el C1 media sangre frente a los otros cruces ya que presentó la mayor eficiencia productiva debido a poseer mayor vigor híbrido, sin embargo el C4 fue superior en parámetros reproductivos.
The study aimed to evaluate the productive performance of four Simmental crosses by Cebu (1/2Cebu1/2 Simmental, 3/4Cebu 1/4Simmental, 3/8Cebu 5/8Simmental, 5/8Cebu 3/8Simmental) in a double purpose in the high plains of Colombia, in the farmhouse Lajitas, located at 264 msnm, in the municipality of Puerto López, Meta department, in eastern Colombia, 4°09'north latitude and 72°53' west and 206km by road to the southeast of Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia. This farm has an area of 2740 ha and is situated on the high plain natural region known as the Orinoco dominated savannah vegetation of grasses on tightly curled or wavy surfaces, as vegetation formation corresponds exactly to the point of transition between tropical rainforest and tropical dry forest. The study was carried out from data collected from production records from 1990 to 2003 and data were analyzed under a completely randomized design with four treatments (C1:1/2 Cebux1/2 Simmental, C2:3/4 Cebu x 1/4 Simmental, C3: 3/8 Cebu x 5/8 Simmental, C4:5/8 Cebu x 3/8 Simmental), the variables evaluated were: age at first birth (EPP/months), calving interval (IEP/day), milk yield per lactation (PL), birth weight (PN) , weaning weight (PD) adjusted to 240 days for the variables PN and PD data were evaluated both young males and females. Reproductive parameters evaluated in the IEP and EPP, among the four crosses were not observed no statistically significant difference between them when compared (P≥0.05). The productive parameters as PN, PD and PL, from crosses also showed no statistically significant difference in the comparison, however when compared with each other for lactations, crosses C1-C2 and C1-C4 in female offspring, for the first lactation and C1-C2 crossings in males were significantly different (P≤0.05) in PD, while it had higher birth weights in the second lactation for the offspring of both sexes; as for PL crossings C1-C2, C1-C4, C2-C3 in the first lactation, cross C1-C3 in the second lactation, crosses C1-C3, C1-C4 in the third and fourth lactation, crosses C1-C2, C1-C3, C1-C4 in the fifth lactation, had significant differences (P≤0.05). Therefore we can conclude that the advantage of reaching the half-blood C1 compared to other crossings and to present the highest efficiency levels have increased due to hybrid vigor, but the C4 was higher in reproductive parameters.
The study aimed to evaluate the productive performance of four Simmental crosses by Cebu (1/2Cebu1/2 Simmental, 3/4Cebu 1/4Simmental, 3/8Cebu 5/8Simmental, 5/8Cebu 3/8Simmental) in a double purpose in the high plains of Colombia, in the farmhouse Lajitas, located at 264 msnm, in the municipality of Puerto López, Meta department, in eastern Colombia, 4°09'north latitude and 72°53' west and 206km by road to the southeast of Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia. This farm has an area of 2740 ha and is situated on the high plain natural region known as the Orinoco dominated savannah vegetation of grasses on tightly curled or wavy surfaces, as vegetation formation corresponds exactly to the point of transition between tropical rainforest and tropical dry forest. The study was carried out from data collected from production records from 1990 to 2003 and data were analyzed under a completely randomized design with four treatments (C1:1/2 Cebux1/2 Simmental, C2:3/4 Cebu x 1/4 Simmental, C3: 3/8 Cebu x 5/8 Simmental, C4:5/8 Cebu x 3/8 Simmental), the variables evaluated were: age at first birth (EPP/months), calving interval (IEP/day), milk yield per lactation (PL), birth weight (PN) , weaning weight (PD) adjusted to 240 days for the variables PN and PD data were evaluated both young males and females. Reproductive parameters evaluated in the IEP and EPP, among the four crosses were not observed no statistically significant difference between them when compared (P≥0.05). The productive parameters as PN, PD and PL, from crosses also showed no statistically significant difference in the comparison, however when compared with each other for lactations, crosses C1-C2 and C1-C4 in female offspring, for the first lactation and C1-C2 crossings in males were significantly different (P≤0.05) in PD, while it had higher birth weights in the second lactation for the offspring of both sexes; as for PL crossings C1-C2, C1-C4, C2-C3 in the first lactation, cross C1-C3 in the second lactation, crosses C1-C3, C1-C4 in the third and fourth lactation, crosses C1-C2, C1-C3, C1-C4 in the fifth lactation, had significant differences (P≤0.05). Therefore we can conclude that the advantage of reaching the half-blood C1 compared to other crossings and to present the highest efficiency levels have increased due to hybrid vigor, but the C4 was higher in reproductive parameters.
Palabras clave
Ganado cebu, Razas, Ganado de doble propósito, Genética animal