Uso de papilla de plátano Musa paradisiaca más hidratante como complemento en la alimentación de lechones en lactancia
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Zootecnia
En la actualidad existen muchas alternativas de complementación alimenticia en la etapa de lactancia para obtener lechones mas pesados al destete y que a su vez desencadenan procesos digestivos que les ayuda a acoplarse mejor al cambio de dieta de liquida a sólida. Dichos suplementos van desde yogures probióticos hasta papillas comerciales pasando por la inclusión de concentrados preiniciadores. El presente proyecto se llevo a cabo durante el primer semestre del 2013, en la porcícola El Recreo, ubicada en la vereda hoya grande, municipio La Vega departamento de Cundinamarca, con una temperatura promedio de 22°C y una altitud de 1.230 msnm, es un terreno que cuenta con múltiples cultivos entre frutas y verduras tales como: maíz, yuca, aguacate, naranja, limón, pepino, auyama, café, frijol, guanábana y el plátano. Este último se utiliza para brindar sombra a los cultivos de café, sin planear un uso específico para el fruto; razón por la cual se experimentó con una alternativa de complementación para lechones, en la etapa de lactancia, la utilización del plátano verde enriquecido con un hidratante probiótico, ofrecido a manera de papilla hasta el destete, se comparo con un grupo control al que se le suministraba una papilla comercial por el mismo periodo de tiempo, se establecieron los efectos productivos y económicos del uso de plátano de desecho en forma de papilla enriquecida con un hidratante en lechones lactantes en relación a ganancia de peso, consumo de alimento y peso al destete; de igual forma, se observo el efecto sanitario del uso de la papilla y se determino la relación costo – beneficio de la papilla a base de plátano verde. Los resultados más relevantes encontrados corresponden a una mayor ganancia de peso en los animales que se les ofrecía papilla de plátano verde mas el hidratante, al obtener una ganancia de 140 gramos superior a los indicadores PIC a la edad del destete (21 días); en relación al consumo de 1,31 kg / lechón / etapa y frente al costo beneficio de $119.17 pesos / lechón.
At present many alternatives exist of complement food in the stage of lactation to obtain pigs more weighed to the weaning and that in turn unleash digestive processes that it helps him connect better at the rate of diet of it liquidates to solid. The above mentioned supplements go from probiotic yogurts up to commercial porridge through for the incorporation of pre-starter feed. The present project I carry out during the first semester of 2013, in the pig farm EL RECREO, located in the path Hoya Grande municipality la Vega, Cundinamarca's department, with an average temperature of 22°C and one altitude of 1.230 msnm, is an area which has many crops of fruit and vegetables such as corn, yucca, avocado, orange, lemon, cucumber, pumpkin, coffee, beans, guava and banana. The latter is used to provide shade for coffee plantations, without planning a specific use for the fruit, which is why they experimented with a complementary alternative for piglets, at the stage of lactation, the utilization of the green banana enriched with a probiotic moisturizing, offered like porridge up to the weaning, was compared with a control group that was supplying commercial porridge the same period of time, There were established the productive and economic effects of the use of banana of waste in the shape of porridge enriched with the moisturizing one in piglets in relation to weight gain, feed intake and weaning weight; likewise, was observed the sanitary effect of the use of the porridge and determined the relation cost - benefit of the porridge based on green bananas. The most relevant results are found greater weight gain in the animals that were offered green banana porridge plus the moisturizer, to make a profit of more than 140 grams over PIC indicators at the age of weaning (21 days), in relation to consumption of 1.31 kg / piglet / stage and meet the cost benefit of $ 119.17 pesos / piglet.
At present many alternatives exist of complement food in the stage of lactation to obtain pigs more weighed to the weaning and that in turn unleash digestive processes that it helps him connect better at the rate of diet of it liquidates to solid. The above mentioned supplements go from probiotic yogurts up to commercial porridge through for the incorporation of pre-starter feed. The present project I carry out during the first semester of 2013, in the pig farm EL RECREO, located in the path Hoya Grande municipality la Vega, Cundinamarca's department, with an average temperature of 22°C and one altitude of 1.230 msnm, is an area which has many crops of fruit and vegetables such as corn, yucca, avocado, orange, lemon, cucumber, pumpkin, coffee, beans, guava and banana. The latter is used to provide shade for coffee plantations, without planning a specific use for the fruit, which is why they experimented with a complementary alternative for piglets, at the stage of lactation, the utilization of the green banana enriched with a probiotic moisturizing, offered like porridge up to the weaning, was compared with a control group that was supplying commercial porridge the same period of time, There were established the productive and economic effects of the use of banana of waste in the shape of porridge enriched with the moisturizing one in piglets in relation to weight gain, feed intake and weaning weight; likewise, was observed the sanitary effect of the use of the porridge and determined the relation cost - benefit of the porridge based on green bananas. The most relevant results are found greater weight gain in the animals that were offered green banana porridge plus the moisturizer, to make a profit of more than 140 grams over PIC indicators at the age of weaning (21 days), in relation to consumption of 1.31 kg / piglet / stage and meet the cost benefit of $ 119.17 pesos / piglet.
Palabras clave
Lechones lactantes, Alimentos para cerdos, Cría de cerdos