El sentido que los estudiantes de séptimo grado le otorgan al acoso escolar en el IED Tibabuyes Universal en Suba, Bogotá, Colombia
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Licenciatura en Español y Lenguas Extranjeras
Este informe da cuenta de la investigación realizada en torno a la comprensión sobre el sentido que le otorgan al fenómeno del Acoso Escolar los estudiantes de grado séptimo del IED Tibabuyes Universal, en Suba, Bogotá, Colombia. Dicha investigación se inscribe dentro del paradigma comprensivo-interpretativo, el método cualitativo y el tipo de investigación etnográfica. El sentido que es objeto central de estudio es analizado a partir de la teoría ecológica del desarrollo humano de Urie Bronfenbrenner, de los postulados de Edmund Husserl (1990) sobre la fenomenología psicológica y las categorías asociadas al sentido, a saber: comprensión, percepción e intuición. Esta investigación responde a la necesidad de un nuevo horizonte en donde prima el sentido y todo lo que éste envuelve, dejando de lado las preguntas por las dinámicas, causas y consecuencias del Acoso Escolar. De esta manera, el producto de este trabajo determinó que los estudiantes de séptimo grado del IED Tibabuyes Universal le otorgan sentido al Acoso Escolar como un medio para validar su poder basado en los actos agresivos asociados a la diversión. Este trabajo investigativo será un punto de partida iniciador para el IED Tibabuyes Universal, ya que por medio de lo encontrado, la Institución, de la mano de los investigadores, hará una serie de talleres y charlas con los docentes y los estudiantes
This document presents the research about the sense that seventh grade students give to bullying at Tibabuyes Universal School, in Suba, Bogotá, Colombia. The research is done from the comprehensive-interpretative paradigm, the qualitative method and the ethnographic type of research. The sense which is the central object of study is analyzed from the Urie Bronfenbrenner’s theory “Ecology of human development”, Edmund Husserl’s theory about psychological phenomenology and the categories associated to the sense: comprehension, perception and intuition. On the other hand, this research responds to the need of a new horizon where the sense is what matters, leaving behind the dynamics, the causes and the consequences of Bullying. Therefore, the product of this study found that seventh grade students at IED Tibabuyes Universal give meaning to Bullying as a mean to validate their power, based on aggressive acts associated with fun or entertainment. The product of this study will be a starting point for the School to design an action plan on Bullying, because the Institution will be able to create and implement with the researcher’s help, workshops and talks addressed to teachers and students
This document presents the research about the sense that seventh grade students give to bullying at Tibabuyes Universal School, in Suba, Bogotá, Colombia. The research is done from the comprehensive-interpretative paradigm, the qualitative method and the ethnographic type of research. The sense which is the central object of study is analyzed from the Urie Bronfenbrenner’s theory “Ecology of human development”, Edmund Husserl’s theory about psychological phenomenology and the categories associated to the sense: comprehension, perception and intuition. On the other hand, this research responds to the need of a new horizon where the sense is what matters, leaving behind the dynamics, the causes and the consequences of Bullying. Therefore, the product of this study found that seventh grade students at IED Tibabuyes Universal give meaning to Bullying as a mean to validate their power, based on aggressive acts associated with fun or entertainment. The product of this study will be a starting point for the School to design an action plan on Bullying, because the Institution will be able to create and implement with the researcher’s help, workshops and talks addressed to teachers and students
Palabras clave
Acoso escolar, Sentido, Comprensión, Ecología del desarrollo humano, Fenomenología psicológica, Bullying, Sense, Comprehension, Ecology of human development, Psychological phenomenology