Evaluación de la aplicación de GnRH y hCG en el momento de la transferencia de embriones congelados en receptoras Holstein de la sabana de Bogotá
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Medicina Veterinaria
Con el objetivo de incrementar las tasa de utilización, concepción y preñez, se diseñó un experimento con el fin de evaluar dos tratamientos de inducción de la ovulación del folículo dominante en el momento de la Transferencia de embriones a tiempo fijo (TETF) en receptoras sincronizadas previamente para lo cual se utilizaron 200 novillas Holstein, las cuales recibieron el siguiente protocolo CIDR-B (Liberación Interna de Droga Controlada) + Benzoato de Estradiol (BE) 2 mg + Progesterona (P4) 50 mg en el día cero y Prostaglandina F2α (PGF) en el día 5, remoción del CIDR-B en el día 8 y BE en el día 9 tomando el día 10 como el celo de referencia. La selección de las receptoras se realizo previa ecografía en el día 16 y la transferencia de embriones (TE) se realizó en el día 17. En este día las receptoras fueron divididas al azar en tres grupos de la siguiente manera: Grupo 1 (n = 54) correspondió al grupo control, no recibió tratamiento, Grupo 2 (n = 64) al cual se le administro 100 µg de un análogo de factor liberador de gonadotropinas (GnRH) en el momento de la transferencia y el Grupo 3 (n = 46) tratado con gonadotropina coriónica humana (hCG) 1500 UI al momento de la transferencia de embriones (día 17 tomando como día 0 el inicio de la sincronización), posteriormente se realizó ultrasonografía en los días 23 y 53 posteriores a la TE, evaluando la tasas de utilización, la tasa de concepción a 30 y 60 días, y la tasa de preñez. Como resultado la tasa de utilización fue mayor en el grupo tratado con GnRH (85.3%), y del (83.64%) para el grupo tratado con hCG, frente al grupo control (77.1%); en la tasa de concepción a 30 días el grupo tratado con hCG fue el más alto (63%), del (53%) para el grupo tratado con GnRH, frente a un 50% del grupo control. La tasa de concepción a 60 días se mantuvo en el grupo tratado con hCG y el grupo control, pero disminuyó un 3.1% en el grupo tratado con GnRH. Respecto a la tasa de preñez se observó un 52.7% para el grupo hCG, un 45.3% para el grupo GnRH, y un 38.5% para el grupo control; esto demuestra que el tratamiento con hCG no sólo mejora la tasa de utilización, concepción y preñez en las novillas, sino que además es factible su utilización con base en el costo actual ya que permite un ahorro sustancial por embrión obtenido, con base en los costos actuales.
It was designed an experiment with the objective of increasing the utilization rate, conception and pregnancy, and with the aim of evaluating two treatments of the follicle induction which dominates at the time of the embryo transference to a fixed time (ETFT) in previously synchronized receivers using 200 Holstein heifers which received the following protocol CIDR-B ( Internal Delivery on Controlled Drug ) + Estradiol Benzoate (EB) 2 mg + Progesterone (P4) 50 mg on zero day and prostaglandin F2α (PGF) on 5 day, removal of the CIDR-B on day 8 and BE on day 9, taking day 10 as the reference rut. The selection of the receivers was made previous Transrectal Ultrasonography on day 16 and the transference of embryos (TE) was made on day 17. This day the receivers were divided at random in three groups as follows: Group 1 ( n=54 ) It corresponded to the control group, it didn’ t receive treatment, Group 2 (n 0 64) it was applied 100 µg of an analogue of delivering fact of gonadotropines (GnRH) at the time of the transference, and Group 3 (n = 46 ) treated with human chorionic gonadotropin ( hCG) 15 UI in the moment of the embryo transference (day 17 taking as zero day the starting of the synchronization ) . subsequently, it was made a ultrasonogram in the later days 23 and 53 to the ET, evaluating the utilization rate, the conception rate to 30 and 60 days and the pregnancy rate. As a result, the utilization rate was larger in the group treated with GnRH (85.3%), and of (83.64%) for the group treated with hCG, compared with the control group (77.1%) ; the conception rate to 30 days, the group treated with hCG was the higher (63%), (53%) for the group treated with GnRH, compared with 50% of the control group. The conception rate to 60 days remained in the group treated with hCG and the control group, but it disminished 3.1% in the group treated with GnRH. With regard to the pregnancy rate it was observed a 52.7% for the group hCG, 45.3% for the group GnRH, and 38.5% for the control group; it shows that the treatment with hCG not just improve the utilization rate conception and pregnancy of the heifers but it is feasible its use on the base of the present costs because it allows important savings per obtained embryo, on the base of present costs.
It was designed an experiment with the objective of increasing the utilization rate, conception and pregnancy, and with the aim of evaluating two treatments of the follicle induction which dominates at the time of the embryo transference to a fixed time (ETFT) in previously synchronized receivers using 200 Holstein heifers which received the following protocol CIDR-B ( Internal Delivery on Controlled Drug ) + Estradiol Benzoate (EB) 2 mg + Progesterone (P4) 50 mg on zero day and prostaglandin F2α (PGF) on 5 day, removal of the CIDR-B on day 8 and BE on day 9, taking day 10 as the reference rut. The selection of the receivers was made previous Transrectal Ultrasonography on day 16 and the transference of embryos (TE) was made on day 17. This day the receivers were divided at random in three groups as follows: Group 1 ( n=54 ) It corresponded to the control group, it didn’ t receive treatment, Group 2 (n 0 64) it was applied 100 µg of an analogue of delivering fact of gonadotropines (GnRH) at the time of the transference, and Group 3 (n = 46 ) treated with human chorionic gonadotropin ( hCG) 15 UI in the moment of the embryo transference (day 17 taking as zero day the starting of the synchronization ) . subsequently, it was made a ultrasonogram in the later days 23 and 53 to the ET, evaluating the utilization rate, the conception rate to 30 and 60 days and the pregnancy rate. As a result, the utilization rate was larger in the group treated with GnRH (85.3%), and of (83.64%) for the group treated with hCG, compared with the control group (77.1%) ; the conception rate to 30 days, the group treated with hCG was the higher (63%), (53%) for the group treated with GnRH, compared with 50% of the control group. The conception rate to 60 days remained in the group treated with hCG and the control group, but it disminished 3.1% in the group treated with GnRH. With regard to the pregnancy rate it was observed a 52.7% for the group hCG, 45.3% for the group GnRH, and 38.5% for the control group; it shows that the treatment with hCG not just improve the utilization rate conception and pregnancy of the heifers but it is feasible its use on the base of the present costs because it allows important savings per obtained embryo, on the base of present costs.
Palabras clave
Transferencia de embriones, Ganado