Creación de un plan de empresa dedicada a la producción, envase y comercialización de agua orgánica Dasha
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Administración de Agronegocios
El principal objetivo de este trabajo es fabricar agua potable sin tomarla de alguna fuente de agua, yacimiento o llave del acueducto. Uno de los principales problemas que sufre el mundo hoy en día es la falta y el acceso a este recurso. Factores como el calentamiento global, fenómeno del niño y la niña, dificultan cada vez más la manera de obtener este recurso tanto para el consumo humano, animales y la misma naturaleza la exige a causa de incendios forestales, secamiento de ríos y cuencas hidrográficas entre otras tantas necesidades. Es por eso que nace la idea de querer producir este recurso sin necesidad de agotarlo, fabricándolo con la humedad relativa del aire alcanzando un nivel de pureza alto en comparación con productos existentes que agotan este recurso y en algunas ocasiones no cumple con los requisitos mínimos para consumo incluso enfrentándose a enfermedades mortales. Satisfacer las necesidades de consumo, cuidar y preservar el agua son algunos de los principales objetivos de este milenio. Es por eso que nace agua orgánica “Dasha”, para brindarles a nuestros clientes un producto 100% natural, amigable con el medio ambiente, logrando eliminar de alguna manera la problemática de abastecimiento de agua en todos los municipios de Colombia, empezando en población de Sucre exactamente en Tolú viejo
The main target of this work is to make drinking water without taking it of any water source, deposit or a tap One of the main problems that suffers the world nowadays is the absence and the access to this resource. Factors like the global warming, phenomenon of the child and the girl, make difficult increasingly the way of obtaining this resource so much for the human consumption, animals and the same nature it demands it because of forest fires, drying of rivers and hydrographic basins between some other needs. That's why there is born the idea of wanting to produce this resource without need to exhaust it, making it with the relative moisture of the air reaching a high purity level compared to existing products that exhaust this resource and in any occasions it does not expire with the minimal requisites for enclosed consumption facing mortal illnesses. To satisfy the needs for consumption, to take care and to preserve the water are some of the main targets of this millenium. That's why organic water “Dasha“ is born, 100 % natural, friendly offers to them to our clients a product with the environment, managing to eliminate somehow the water supply problems in all the municipalities of Colombia, starting in population of Sucre exactly in old Tolú
The main target of this work is to make drinking water without taking it of any water source, deposit or a tap One of the main problems that suffers the world nowadays is the absence and the access to this resource. Factors like the global warming, phenomenon of the child and the girl, make difficult increasingly the way of obtaining this resource so much for the human consumption, animals and the same nature it demands it because of forest fires, drying of rivers and hydrographic basins between some other needs. That's why there is born the idea of wanting to produce this resource without need to exhaust it, making it with the relative moisture of the air reaching a high purity level compared to existing products that exhaust this resource and in any occasions it does not expire with the minimal requisites for enclosed consumption facing mortal illnesses. To satisfy the needs for consumption, to take care and to preserve the water are some of the main targets of this millenium. That's why organic water “Dasha“ is born, 100 % natural, friendly offers to them to our clients a product with the environment, managing to eliminate somehow the water supply problems in all the municipalities of Colombia, starting in population of Sucre exactly in old Tolú
Palabras clave
Agua, Humedad, Calentamiento global, Medio ambiente, Escasez, Water, Humidity, Global warming, Environment, Scarcity, Agua potable, Calidad del agua, Abastecimiento de agua, Protección del medio ambiente, Drinking water, Water quality, Water supply, Environmental protection