Leucosis bovina enzoótica
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Medicina Veterinaria
La Leucosis Bovina Enzoótica (LBE) es una enfermedad producida por un retrovirus que infecta a células linfoides B capaz de integrarse al genoma del hospedero. Es una enfermedad de distribución mundial con particular predilección por sistemas productivos lácteos intensivos. Desde el punto de vista sanitario y económico la LBE tiene un impacto significativo económico por los costos en diagnóstico, descarte de animales, disminución de los índices productivos, impacto en índices reproductivos, tratamientos de patologías concomitantes, entre otros, así mismo tiene relevancia en salud pública por la posible infección al humano, lo que la convierte en una patología potencialmente zoonótica. El presente proyecto de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la seroprevalencia actual del virus la LBE en bovinos del municipio de Ubaté a través de la prueba diagnóstica de ELISA indirecta y contrastar los resultados con el conteo hematológico de linfocitos a fin de correlacionar el valor de los mismos y la seropositividad. Las pruebas se llevaron acabo en 100 animales de sexo hembra, entre 3 y 11 años de edad, en etapa productiva. La prevalencia corresponde al 64% y el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson indica que no existe relación entre la cantidad de linfocitos en sangre y la seropositividad de los animales en estudio.
The enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL) is a disease that is caused by a retrovirus, it can infects B lymphoid cells and get into its genome. It is a worldwide disease affecting in particular intensive dairy production systems. From a health and economic standpoint the EBL has a significant economic impact for the costs of diagnosis, discarding animals, decreased production rates, impact on reproductive and productive indices, treatment of concomitant diseases, costs for medical services, limitation with the export of the meat or dairy products, and marketing of semen and embryos from infected animals, also has relevance in public health from possible infection human, making it, a potentially zoonotic disease. This research project was to determine the current prevalence of viral EBL to cattle in Ubaté through indirect ELISA diagnostic test, and compare the results with hematological lymphocyte count. Lymphocyte count was made in a automatic way but after that it was count with a manual correction. For this proyect was necessary took 100 animals female sex, between 3 and 11 years of age in productive stage. Data antibody and cell count were analyzed through descriptive statistics with the construction of charts that reflect the results of the techniques. The chi-square test statistic could evaluate the possible relationship between antibodies and circulating lymphocytes. With the study information Seroprevalence data were updated disease and evaluated whether the amount of lymphoid cells coincides with seropositivity and discuss around the removal or possession of positive animals to the EBL.
The enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL) is a disease that is caused by a retrovirus, it can infects B lymphoid cells and get into its genome. It is a worldwide disease affecting in particular intensive dairy production systems. From a health and economic standpoint the EBL has a significant economic impact for the costs of diagnosis, discarding animals, decreased production rates, impact on reproductive and productive indices, treatment of concomitant diseases, costs for medical services, limitation with the export of the meat or dairy products, and marketing of semen and embryos from infected animals, also has relevance in public health from possible infection human, making it, a potentially zoonotic disease. This research project was to determine the current prevalence of viral EBL to cattle in Ubaté through indirect ELISA diagnostic test, and compare the results with hematological lymphocyte count. Lymphocyte count was made in a automatic way but after that it was count with a manual correction. For this proyect was necessary took 100 animals female sex, between 3 and 11 years of age in productive stage. Data antibody and cell count were analyzed through descriptive statistics with the construction of charts that reflect the results of the techniques. The chi-square test statistic could evaluate the possible relationship between antibodies and circulating lymphocytes. With the study information Seroprevalence data were updated disease and evaluated whether the amount of lymphoid cells coincides with seropositivity and discuss around the removal or possession of positive animals to the EBL.
Palabras clave
Leucosis bovina, Enfermedades en ganado