Tarjetas de crédito: Factores relacionados al uso por los hogares colombianos
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Economía, Empresa y Desarrollo Sostenible – FEEDS. Finanzas y Comercio Internacional
Las tarjetas de crédito son el medio de pago de mayor uso en la actualidad, y los hogares colombianos cada vez usan con mayor frecuencia este recurso financiero en sus compras diarias. El presente documento busca caracterizar el comportamiento de los usuarios colombianos con respecto al uso de las tarjetas, en términos de variables como número de cuotas, frecuencia de uso y su relación con el nivel de endeudamiento. Además de conocer cómo el endeudamiento es una variable dependiente de la educación financiera debido a que, entre menos conocimiento en temas relacionados con intereses, rendimientos financieros, los hogares colombianos tienden a tener problemas en la utilización de este medio de pago. Utilizando la Encuesta de Carga y Educación financiera, este documento analiza la tendencia de los hogares mediante tablas cruzadas para conocer cómo los tarjetahabientes consideran que son sus deudas y como las califican.
Credit cards are the most common means of payment today, and Colombian households are increasingly using this financial resource in their daily purchases. This document seeks to understand the behavior of Colombian users with respect to the use of cards, that is, the number of quotas, frequency of use and their relationship with the level of indebtedness. In addition to knowing how financial education a variable dependent on indebtedness is because, the less knowledge on issues related to interest, financial returns, Colombian households tend to have problems in the use of this means of payment. Through the tax survey and financial education, the trend of households will be analyzed through cross-tables to know how the cardholders consider their debts and how they qualify them
Credit cards are the most common means of payment today, and Colombian households are increasingly using this financial resource in their daily purchases. This document seeks to understand the behavior of Colombian users with respect to the use of cards, that is, the number of quotas, frequency of use and their relationship with the level of indebtedness. In addition to knowing how financial education a variable dependent on indebtedness is because, the less knowledge on issues related to interest, financial returns, Colombian households tend to have problems in the use of this means of payment. Through the tax survey and financial education, the trend of households will be analyzed through cross-tables to know how the cardholders consider their debts and how they qualify them
Palabras clave
Crédito, Interés, Hogares, Endeudamiento, Educación financiera, Finanzas personales