Evaluación de diferentes tamaños de colonias para la producción de polen en Apis Mellifera en la sabana de Bogotá
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Zootecnia
Se evaluó la eficiencia en cuanto a producción de polen para tres tamaños de colonias en la Sabana de Bogotá y como se afecta la cría, polen y miel disponible en la colmena y algunos factores que inciden en su desarrollo, se determinaron los costos para cada tratamiento y se halló el punto de equilibrio para el montaje de un apiario productor de polen proyectando el flujo de caja a cinco (5) años. Se emplearon doce (12) colmenas de abejas, cuatro (4) por cada tratamiento distribuidas de la siguiente manera: Tratamiento A cámara de cría, Tratamiento B cámara de cría y media alza, Tratamiento C cámara de cría y alza profunda. En general para todos los tratamientos se obtuvo la producción promedio de 74,50± 34,13 gr/día de polen seco, por tratamiento se obtuvieron producciones de 70± 35,41 gr/día para el tratamiento A, 76,79± 40,49 gr./día para el tratamiento B, 76,69± 26,50 gr./día para el tratamiento C. No se presentaron diferencias significativas entre las producciones de polen. En el área de cría, miel y polen disponible en la colmena el efecto fue similar en los tres tratamientos, en el caso de cría abierta y polen disponible se presentó una correlación del 0,76 para el tratamiento A, 0,81 en el tratamiento B, y 0,42 el tratamiento C. El área de cría, miel y polen disponible se redujo durante el tiempo de estudio. Para el efecto de pecoreo no se presentaron alteraciones en los flujos de abejas pecoreadoras por tratamiento, el flujo promedio entre tratamientos fue de 738,59± 234,23 abejas/10 min dividido en abejas sin polen con un flujo promedio de 476,39± 143,71 abejas/10 min y abejas con polen con un flujo promedio de 231,01± 100,60 abejas/10 min. Para los factores climáticos el más influyente fue la temperatura ambiente y brillo solar con respecto a las producciones y comportamiento de las abejas. Para el análisis de costos se tuvieron en cuenta 150 colmenas ya que con estas se obtiene el punto de equilibro para los costos de la granja apícola productora de polen. Como resultado el tratamiento A es el mas económico con una inversión de capital a cinco años de $34’373’000 y el tratamiento C el mas costoso con un valor de $41’365´000 a los mismos cinco años.
The pollen production efficiency was evaluated for three different sized bee colonies in the Sabana de Bogotá, and the way it affects reproduction and available pollen and honey was determined at each colony as well as other factors that affect its development. The costs for each treatment were determinated and the balance point for setting up a productive pollen bee colony was found and a cash flow was made for five(5) years. Twelve (12) bee colonies were used, four(4) per treatment distributed the following way: Treatment A broodnest, Treatment B broodnest and half a beehive, Treatment C broodnest and a complete beehive. For each treatment on average production of 74.50 +/- 34.13 g/day of dry pollen was obtained. For treatment A the productions obtained were 70 +/- 35.41 g/day; for treatment B 76.79 +/- 40.49 g/day; for treatment C 76.69 +/- 26.50 g/day. There was no significant between the pollen productions. In the brood nest area the available honey and pollen in the colony was similar for the three treatments. In the case of open/cell reproduction and available pollen there was co-relation of 0.76 corresponding to treatment A, 0.81 to treatment B, and 0.42 to treatment C. In the brood nest chamber the available honey and pollen decreased during the study’s time. As to the loitering effect there were no changes in the flow of loitering bees observed due to the treatments. The average flow among treatments was of 738.59 +/- 234.23 bees/10 minutes divided among bees without pollen with an average flow of 476.39 +/- 143.71 bees/10 minutes and bees with pollen with an average flow of 231.01 +/- 100.60 bees/10 minutes. Regarding the climate factors the most influential were environmental temperature and sunshine in respect to production and bee behavior. The balance point for the pollen production beekeeping farm is obtained with 150 beehives so this was the number taken into consideration for the cost analysis. As a result treatment A is the least expensive with one investment capital for five years of $34´373´000 and the tratament C is the most expensive with one inveitment capital of $41´365´000 for the same five tears.
The pollen production efficiency was evaluated for three different sized bee colonies in the Sabana de Bogotá, and the way it affects reproduction and available pollen and honey was determined at each colony as well as other factors that affect its development. The costs for each treatment were determinated and the balance point for setting up a productive pollen bee colony was found and a cash flow was made for five(5) years. Twelve (12) bee colonies were used, four(4) per treatment distributed the following way: Treatment A broodnest, Treatment B broodnest and half a beehive, Treatment C broodnest and a complete beehive. For each treatment on average production of 74.50 +/- 34.13 g/day of dry pollen was obtained. For treatment A the productions obtained were 70 +/- 35.41 g/day; for treatment B 76.79 +/- 40.49 g/day; for treatment C 76.69 +/- 26.50 g/day. There was no significant between the pollen productions. In the brood nest area the available honey and pollen in the colony was similar for the three treatments. In the case of open/cell reproduction and available pollen there was co-relation of 0.76 corresponding to treatment A, 0.81 to treatment B, and 0.42 to treatment C. In the brood nest chamber the available honey and pollen decreased during the study’s time. As to the loitering effect there were no changes in the flow of loitering bees observed due to the treatments. The average flow among treatments was of 738.59 +/- 234.23 bees/10 minutes divided among bees without pollen with an average flow of 476.39 +/- 143.71 bees/10 minutes and bees with pollen with an average flow of 231.01 +/- 100.60 bees/10 minutes. Regarding the climate factors the most influential were environmental temperature and sunshine in respect to production and bee behavior. The balance point for the pollen production beekeeping farm is obtained with 150 beehives so this was the number taken into consideration for the cost analysis. As a result treatment A is the least expensive with one investment capital for five years of $34´373´000 and the tratament C is the most expensive with one inveitment capital of $41´365´000 for the same five tears.
Palabras clave
Apicultura, Técnicas en abejas, Colonia de abejas, Apicultor, Sistemas de producción