Índice de productividad y competitividad local para las familias cafeteras del departamento del Huila-Colombia asociados a Coocentral
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El café es uno de los principales productos de exportación de la economía en Colombia, que resalta también por su alta calidad y orientación a los cafés especiales. Además, es uno de los productos agrícolas con mayor presencia en el campo colombiano y se produce más de la mitad de los departamentos de Colombia, donde se destaca el departamento del Huila como el primer productor. Sin embargo, en términos de competitividad, el café huilense y en especial las familias cafeteras de la región no logran avanzar en mejorar la productividad del cultivo, generar valor agregado en la cadena de producción y comercialización, de tal manera que el ingreso per cápita de la población no se traducen en bienestar y rentabilidad de los pequeños productores.
Coffee is one of the main export products of the Colombian economy, which also stands out for its high quality and orientation towards speciality coffees. It is also one of the agricultural products with the greatest presence in the Colombian countryside and is produced in more than half of Colombia's departments, with the department of Huila standing out as the leading producer. However, in terms of competitiveness, Huila's coffee and especially the region's coffee-growing families have not managed to improve the productivity of the crop, generate added value in the production and commercialisation chain, so that the per capita income of the population does not translate into the well-being and profitability of small producers.
Coffee is one of the main export products of the Colombian economy, which also stands out for its high quality and orientation towards speciality coffees. It is also one of the agricultural products with the greatest presence in the Colombian countryside and is produced in more than half of Colombia's departments, with the department of Huila standing out as the leading producer. However, in terms of competitiveness, Huila's coffee and especially the region's coffee-growing families have not managed to improve the productivity of the crop, generate added value in the production and commercialisation chain, so that the per capita income of the population does not translate into the well-being and profitability of small producers.
Palabras clave
Sector cafetero, Pequeños productores, Cultura organizacional, Productos agrícolas, Países consumidores, Comercialización de café