Tutor 1

Calvache García, Iván Darío

Tutor 2

Vela Jiménez, Juan Fernando


En estos días se viene proclamando en nuestro país sistemas de ganadería en semi confinamiento y confinamiento completo, al mismo tiempo estos sistemas basan gran parte de las dietas ofrecidas a los animales en pastos de corte como lo es el maralfalfa (Pennisetum sp). Hasta el momento se ha especulado mucho sobre este pasto y no hay estudios suficientes que orienten a los productores para que utilicen estos pastos con la mejor calidad y la mayor cantidad posible de biomasa. Por esta razón, se desarrolló esta investigación en un lote de pasto de corte maralfalfa ya establecido ubicado en la finca el mirador, municipio de Montenegro, departamento del Quindío con el fin de evaluar el comportamiento agronómico y nutricional cuando el pasto es manejado bajo diferentes tipos de fertilización. Se ubicaron al azar 16 parcelas demostrativas, donde T1:Fertilización orgánica (FO), T2:Fertilización química (FQ), T3:Fertilización química mas orgánica (FQO), T4:sin fertilización (SF).Cada parcela del experimento se dividió en cuatro subparcelas donde se evaluó la composición nutricional y la producción de forraje a los 40, 50, 60 y 70 días de rebrote. Se utilizo un diseño en bloques completamente al azar con arreglo factorial de 4 x 4 con cuatro repeticiones. Se utilizó el paquete estadístico STATGRAPHICS Plus 5.1, cuando las interacciones fueron significativas (p<0.05) se procedió a realizar un análisis de varianza completamente al azar, donde, cada interacción representa un tratamiento diferente. Cuando los factores principales tuvieron significancia se analizaron independientemente con la prueba de tukey. Se encontraron diferencias significativas (p<0.05) para la composición nutricional de pasto maralfalfa cuando fue fertilizado obteniendo valores de proteína cruda de 8.83% para FO, 7.6% para FQ, 9.81% para tratamiento 3 FQO y 6.73% para SF. La MS para FO, FQ, FQO y SF fue de 15.06%, 15.78%, 11.18 y 16.63% respectivamente. La FDN para FO, FQ, FQO y SF fue de 68.39%, 68.86%, 66.47% y 69.39% respectivamente. La FDA fue de 41.65% para FO, 42.91% para FQ, 41.43% para FQO y 43.68% para SF.Se encontraron diferencias significativas (p<0.05) en la composición nutricional cuando el pasto se cortó a diferentes edades. La PC disminuyó con el tiempo alcanzando valores de 9.77% a los 40 días, 8.68% a los 50 días, 7.76% a los 60 días y 6.74% a los 70 días. La MS aumento logrando su máximo valor a los 70 días con 17.72% y su mínimo valor a los 40 días con 12.79%. La FDN y la FDA aumentaron con la madurez de la planta logrando valores de 65.52% y 38.65%, 67.97% y 41.90%, 68.85% y 43.32%, 70.77% y 45.79% a los 40, 50, 60 y 70 días respectivamente. La fertilización y la edad afectaron de una manera significativa (p<0.05) la evaluación agronómica, donde la altura aumento linealmente a medida que aumentaba la edad, obteniendo su máximo valor en la FQO con 188.12cm, mientras que cuando no se fertilizó el valor promedio fue de 145cm. La producción de MS mayor se logró con la FO con 7.38Ton/Ha, seguida de la FQO con 6.03Ton/Ha, en la FQ fue de 35.46ton/Ha y la mínima producción de MS fue la SF con 5.2 Ton/Ha.

Resumen en lengua extranjera 1

Currently the Colombian stockbreeding industry is going through a transition. The trend focuses on producing larger amounts of milk or meat per unit area. Currently, the country uses semi-confinement and complete confinement in its stockbreeding systems. These systems rely on feeding the animals pasture trimmings such as Maralfalfa (Pennisetum sp). Thus far there has been much speculation about the product and not enough studies have been generated to help guide the producers in offering their cattle the best nourishment and the greatest possible amount of biomass. With this in mind, the following research project was conducted on a lot previously prepared with Maralfalfa at a farm located in The Mirador, a town in Montenegro, Quindio. The intention is to evaluate the agronomic and nutritional outcome when the grass is fertilized with organic fertilizer (FO), chemical fertilizer (FQ), a mixture of organic and chemical fertilizers (FOQ), and when no fertilizer is used for treatment (SF). Sixteen sections of grass where chosen through random selection and divided into four parts with each containing four plots. The first four plots were fertilized with semi-liquid bovinaza, the second set was fertilized with chemical fertilizer (urea), the third set was fertilized with compost semi-liquid bovinaza and urea, and the last four plots were not fertilized. The four plots were subsequently divided into four subplots that would be assessed on their nutritional composition and forage production at 40, 50, 60, and 70 days of growth. The assessment of the nutritional and agronomic variables was conducted through a complete randomization design with a split-plot arrangement with four repetitions, where the plot was the treatment and each subplot was the age of growth. All models were evaluated with a statistical package called Statgraphics Plus 5.1 and the interactions that yielded significant results (p<0.05) were analyzed with the Tukey test. Differences were statistically significant (p<0.05) on the nutritional composition of the fertilized Maralfalfa pasture that obtained crude protein values of 8.83% for FO, 7.6% for FQ, 9.81% for treatment 3 FOQ, and 6.73% for SF. The MS found the grass to be 15.06% for FO, 15.78% for FQ, 11.18% for FOQ, and 16.63% for SF. The FDN was 68.39% for FO, 68.86% for FQ, 66.47% for FOQ, and 69.39% for SF. The FDA was 41.65% for FO, 42.91% for FQ, 41.43% for FOQ, and 43.68% for SF. The ash was 17.95% fro FO, 17.44% for FQ, 20.17% for FOQ, and 17.99% for SF. The EE for the FO treatment was 1.45%, 1.58% for FQ, 1.64% for FOQ, and 1.31% for SF. The lignin was 5.88% for FO, 6.08% for FQ, 5.36% for FOQ, and 7.14% for the SF. Statistically significant differences (p<0.05) were also found in the nutritional composition when the grass was cut a different ages of growth. The PC decreased as the days went on, reaching values of 9.77% at 40 days, 8.68% at 50 days, 7.76% at 60 days, and 6.74% at 70 days. The MS increased reaching its maximum value at 70 days with 17.72% and its minimum value at 40 days with 12.79%. The FDN and the FDA increased with values of 65.52% and 38.65%, 67.97% and 41.90%, 68.85% and 43.32%, 70.77% and 45.79% achieved at 40, 50, 60, and 70 days. The lignin increased as expected with values of 4.79%, 5.73%, 6.15%, and 7.79% at 40, 50, 60, and 70 days. The ash was 20.05% at 40 days, 18.68% at 50 days, 17.63% at 60 days, and 17.17% at 70 days. Finally, the EE was 2.18% at 40 days, 1.94% at 50 days, 1.11% at 60 days, and 0.73% at 70 days. The fertilization and age affected the agronomic assessment in a statistically significant (p<0.05) manner. The height increased linearly as time passed. The height obtained the highest average value when the FOQ treatment was yielding results at 188.12 cm, as opposed to non-fertilization resulting in an average value of 145cm. The production of green fodder was at its greatest when the FOQ was used which resulted in 53.74Ton/Ha. The organic fertilization followed with 48.33Ton/Ha, the FQ with 34.37Ton/Ha, and finally the SF plot with 30.83%. The largest production of MS was achieved with the organic fertilization at 7.38Ton/Ha followed by the FOQ with 6.03Ton/Ha, the FQ was 35.46Ton/Ha and th3 minimal production of MS was with the SF resulting in 5.2Ton/Ha. The height increased over the plants’ lifetime from 138.43cm at 40 days to 188.12cm at 70 days. The production of green fodder and MS also had a linear growth until the 60th day.

Palabras clave

Usos de fertilizantes, Ensilaje, Pasto y forrajes

Tipo de documento

Trabajo de grado - Pregrado

Licencia Creative Commons

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Fecha de elaboración


Programa académico



Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias


Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Zootecnia
