Tutor 1

Varela Muñoz, Daniel Abdon


por supuesto lo ha hecho de gran utilidad para la industria eléctrica. En Colombia, el manejo de este gas está limitado exclusivamente a las empresas de electricidad del país, por consecuente se presenta una ausencia de normatividad pública jurídica ambiental, tales como políticas, guías o protocolos en el país frente al manejo adecuado de este. Debido a la ausencia de normatividad se plantea la propuesta de Elaboración del Protocolo Distrital para la Gestión Integral del Hexafluoruro de azufre (����6) en el Sector Eléctrico, que serviría como una guía nacional, la cual recopila información, como la delimitación del área de estudio , el tipo de subestaciones eléctricas GIS, los equipos con uso directo del ����6, la manipulación del ����6, la regeneración y reutilización del gas, el almacenamiento y transporte de este, mantenimiento de equipos, disposición final de los equipos que contienen el gas, fichas de manejo ambiental y riesgos, medidas preventivas y de primeros auxilios en caso de eventos que afecten la salud del operario, para poder tener un manejo adecuado del hexafluoruro de azufre. En la cuanto a la dimensión ambiental se logra realizar una matriz de riesgos (reglamentada por la Secretaria Distrital de Ambiente), en algunos procesos industriales en donde se maneja el gas para así determinar qué actividades representaban un riesgo mayor para la salud del trabajador del sector eléctrico, la sociedad y el medio ambiente, por último, se hizo un balance de emisiones el cual nos permitirá hacer una estimación de las emisiones y los efectos e impactos ambientales que tendrían estas emisiones si no se manejan de una manera adecuada y responsable. 30 kg de ����6 emitidos al ambiente, las cuales son consideradas para equipos que manejan sistemas de presión cerrados. Una vez obtenido los valores de las posibles emisiones realizadas se hace el análisis del potencial del calentamiento global con respecto al CO2 donde se puede observar que la afectación es un valor considerable debido a que el ����6 tiene un potencial de calentamiento global 23.500 veces mayor al de CO2 puesto que los 1,30 kg de ����6 equivalen en términos del PCG del CO2 a 30,55 Toneladas, motivo por el cual es de suma importancia tomar medidas de mitigación frente a estas emisiones y hacer estrategias de prevención para el buen manejo de los equipos que contienen el ����6 y que en algún punto llegaran al final de su vida útil

Resumen en lengua extranjera 1

In Colombia, the electricity sector has grown considerably since the 20th century, therefore, it is in a development process that has obtained the management and use of sulfur hexafluoride (����6), a gas that is Important for the electricity sector due to its dielectric properties but environmentally it is among the six gases with high greenhouse effect according to the Kyoto Protocol of 1997 and reaffirmed in the Paris agreement on climate change of the United Nations in 2015. ����6 (Sulfur Hexafluoride) is a chemically stable gas in its pure state, inert, non-flammable and practically insoluble in water, which leads it to have a dielectric stability that in the event of a short circuit has the property of arc extinction, which, of course, has made it very useful for the electrical industry. In Colombia, the management of this gas is limited exclusively to the country's electricity companies, consequently there is an absence of environmental legal regulations, stories such as public policies, guides or protocols in the country compared to the proper management of this. Due to the absence of regulations, the proposal for the Preparation of the District Protocol for the Integral Management of Sulfur Hexafluoride (����6) in the Electric Sector is proposed, which serves as a national guide, which collects information, such as the delimitation of the study area, the type of GIS electrical substations, the equipment with direct use of the ����6, the contamination of the ����6, the regeneration and reuse of gas, the storage and transportation of it, the maintenance of equipment, the final disposal of the equipment that contains the gas, environmental management and risk sheets, preventive measures and first aid in the event of events that affect the operator's health, in order to have adequate management of sulfur hexafluoride. In terms of the environmental dimension, a risk matrix is achieved (regulated by the District Environment Secretariat), in some industrial processes where gas is managed to determine which activities represented a greater risk to the health of the sector worker. Finally, an emissions balance was drawn up, which allows us to make a modification of the emissions and the environmental effects and impacts that these emissions would have if they are not managed in an adequate and responsible manner. The Bogotá Energy Group (GEB) provided its support through data from the El Circo electrical substation, with which it was possible to determine the inventory of equipment with use of ����6, the amount of ����6 in Kg per equipment, the classification of the equipment status (in Operation, in return, end of useful life, saved and stored), because in the balance sheet it was determined that all the equipment is in operation, the result of the equation is equal to 0, because so far no equipment has been brought to the end of its useful life and all are in optimal operation, therefore, once the total amount of ����6 that is inside the substation has been obtained, an estimate of the leaks that these equipment’s present over time is made what have been in operation finding a quantity of 1.30 kg of ����6 emitted to the environment, which are considered for equipment that handles closed pressure systems. Once the values of the possible emissions have been obtained, the analysis of the global warming potential with respect to CO2 is carried out, where it can be observed that the impact is a considerable value because ����6 has a global warming potential 23,500 times greater than that of CO2 since 1.30 kg of ����6 are equivalent in terms of CO2 GWP to 30.55 Tons, which is why it is of the sum take mitigation measures against these emissions and develop prevention strategies for the proper management of equipment that contains ����6 and that at some point will reach the end of its useful life

Palabras clave

Propuesta de elaboración, Protocolo distrital, Gestión integral, Hexafluoruro de azufre, Sector eléctrico

Tipo de documento

Trabajo de grado - Pregrado

Licencia Creative Commons

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Fecha de elaboración


Programa académico

Ingeniería Ambiental y Sanitaria


Facultad de Ingeniería


Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería Ambiental y Sanitaria
