
El presente trabajo se propone como un análisis sobre la gestión estratégica y de su importancia en el camino para alcanzar los objetivos de las organizaciones, e incluso en empresas del sector educativo, como lo es Campoalto Acesalud SAS, y para esto se permite realizar una revisión de la Educación para el trabajo y el desarrollo humano (EDTH) en Colombia. Para tal propósito, se hizo una revisión bibliográfica de conceptos como pensamiento estratégico, administración estratégica y prospectiva y la descripción dada desde diferentes autores como Porter, David o Kaplan y Norton, y la aplicación a la gestión estratégica de la organización entendida como una empresa de servicios educativos, así mismo pretenden un acercamiento entre la creación del plan estratégico y la ejecución del mismo desde el nivel operativo.

Resumen en lengua extranjera 1

This paper is proposed as an analysis of strategic management and its importance in achieving the objectives of organizations, and even in companies in the education sector, such as Campoalto Acesalud S.A.S, and for this reason a review of Education for Work and Human Development (EDTH) in Colombia is allowed. For this purpose, a bibliographic review was made of concepts such as strategic thinking, strategic and prospective management and the description given by different authors such as Porter, David or Kaplan and Norton, and applies it to the strategic management of the organization understood as an educational services company. It also aims at an approach between the creation of the strategic plan and its execution from the operational level. On the other hand an internal and external analysis of the organization is carried out, based on some tools such as DOFA, EFE, EFI, and finally the proposal of strategic management is made, which includes a modification of the management of processes, institutional management, strategic management until reaching the consolidation of objectives that aim at the fulfillment of the strategy, which are measured through 52 indicators in total, assigned to all processes Admissions, SGI (Integrated Management System), Welfare, Coordination of academic, internship, productive sector and internship supervision, Administrative and financial technology and graduates, human talent, Registration & control, and Vice Rectory, all these with values of goal, precaution and danger, allowing proper decision making finally an action plan with specific activities and its proposal for annual financial investment is made.

Palabras clave

Planificación estratégica, Estrategias corporativas, Tecnología educacional, Economías mixtas, Planeación corporativa, Modelos de negocio

Tipo de documento

Tesis de maestría

Licencia Creative Commons

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Fecha de elaboración


Programa académico

Maestría en Administración


Escuela de Negocios


Universidad de La Salle. Escuela de Negocios. Maestría en Administración
