Tutor 1

Rondón Herrera, Gloria Marlén


Para el análisis de la información obtenida se empleó el método de análisis de contenido, el cual llegará a la construcción de cuatro categorías: actividades de lectura, características de estas actividades, elementos de una estrategia y el docente como mediador de la estrategia. De estas categorías partió el proceso de interpretación para develar unos hallazgos relacionados con el problema y los objetivos de la investigación

Resumen en lengua extranjera 1

The present research entitled "teaching strategies for the critical reading of the television report on secondary education, Location Ciudad Bolívar.", linked to the macro Project "Teaching critical reading strategies" and the line of research of the Faculty of Education Sciences, La Salle University: "Education, language and communication” it departed from a qualitative approach and an explanatory descriptive method in critical perspective, that allowed applying interview techniques in depth and analysis of documentary materials through instruments such as the script that allowed conducting the interviews and documentary analysis matrix. The research that chose to analyze the teaching strategies in the areas of Spanish language and social sciences it orients the processes of critical reading of the television report in the secondary education, through the collection of relevant information through diagnostic survey techniques, interview in depth, observation in classroom and documentary material with their respective instruments. For the analysis of the information obtained was used the method of content, analysis which allowed reaching the construction of four categories: reading activities, characteristics of these activities, a strategy and the teacher as mediator of the strategy. Of these categories split the process of interpretation to reveal a few findings related to the problem and research objectives

Palabras clave

Lectura crítica, Reportaje televisivo, Pensamiento crítico, Estrategias docentes, Docente mediador, Teaching strategies, Critical reading, Television interview, Critical thinking, Teaching mediator, Prácticas de la enseñanza, Formación profesional de maestros, Métodos de enseñanza, Student teaching, Teachers - Training of, Teaching methods

Tipo de documento

Tesis de maestría

Licencia Creative Commons

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Fecha de elaboración


Programa académico

Maestría en Docencia


Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación


Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Maestría en Docencia
