Título en lengua extranjera

Access and coverage in education: systematization of the experience in the modernization of the enrollment process within the SED coverage management framework 2016 - 2019

Tutor 1

Pérez Pérez, Tito Hernando


La presente investigación es el resultado de la sistematización de la modernización del proceso de matrícula con enfoque de atención al ciudadano en el marco de gestión de la cobertura de la SED entre 2016 -2019; se realizó a partir del interés particular de la investigadora por reconstruir el proceso vivido, reflexionar sobre los avances, las dificultades y como se solucionaron, desde el reconocimiento de las capacidades y saberes de los actores del proceso, para aportar a las prácticas institucionales, aprovechar las enseñanzas y compartirlas. La sistematización de la experiencia se realizó con una metodología mixta que combina las encuestas y sondeos de opinión desde lo cualitativo, con los talleres y conocimiento de la investigadora desde lo cuantitativo, con un enfoque descriptivo, que dialoga con los conceptos teóricos, con otras experiencias y con el desarrollo humano desde el enfoque de capacidades de Sen. Los resultados muestran como la modernización del proceso de matrícula con enfoque de atención al ciudadano es una experiencia exitosa, de innovación social en la implementación de la política pública por la articulación entre la SED y la comunidad educativa en los diferentes niveles de la SED, que garantiza el acceso y la permanencia de los estudiantes en Bogotá, en pro del desarrollo de sus capacidades y la libertad para escoger una vida digna.

Resumen en lengua extranjera 1

The present research is the result of the systematization of the modernization of the registration process with a focus on citizen care in the management of SED coverage between 2016 -2019; based on the particular interest of the researcher to reconstruct the lived process, reflect on the advances, the difficulties and how they were solved, from the recognition of the capacities and knowledge of the actors of the process, to contribute to and share lessons learned in business practices. The systematization of the experience was carried out with a mixed methodology that combines the surveys and opinion polls from the qualitative, with the workshops and knowledge of the researcher from the quantitative, with a descriptive approach, which dialogues with the theoretical concepts, with other experiences and with human development from the capacity approach of Sen. The results show how the modernization of the registration process with a focus on citizen care is a successful experience, of social innovation in the implementation of public policy by the articulation between the SED and the educational community at the different levels of the SED, which guarantees the access and permanence of students in Bogota, for the development of their capacities and the freedom to choose a dignified life.

Resumen en lengua extranjera 2

The present research is the result of the systematization of the modernization of the registration process with a focus on citizen care in the management of SED coverage between 2016 -2019; based on the particular interest of the researcher to reconstruct the lived process, reflect on the advances, the difficulties and how they were solved, from the recognition of the capacities and knowledge of the actors of the process, to contribute to and share lessons learned in business practices. The systematization of the experience was carried out with a mixed methodology that combines the surveys and opinion polls from the qualitative, with the workshops and knowledge of the researcher from the quantitative, with a descriptive approach, which dialogues with the theoretical concepts, with other experiences and with human development from the capacity approach of Sen. The results show how the modernization of the registration process with a focus on citizen care is a successful experience, of social innovation in the implementation of public policy by the articulation between the SED and the educational community at the different levels of the SED, which guarantees the access and permanence of students in Bogota, for the development of their capacities and the freedom to choose a dignified life.

Palabras clave

Sistematización de experiencias, Procesos de matricula, Gestión de la cobertura

Tipo de documento

Tesis de maestría

Licencia Creative Commons

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Fecha de elaboración

Summer 7-15-2021

Programa académico

Maestría en Estudios y Gestión del Desarrollo – MEGD


Facultad de Economía, Empresa y Desarrollo Sostenible - FEEDS


Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Economía, Empresa y Desarrollo Sostenible - FEEDS. Maestría en Estudios y Gestión del Desarrollo – MEGD

Included in

Education Commons
