Título en lengua extranjera

Production of corn ensilage (Zea mays L.) hybrid ATL 200 as socioeconomic activity in the municipality of Puerto Concordia (Meta)

Tutor 1

Rodríguez Cruz, Fredy Alexander


La ganadería es una de las principales actividades económicas del municipio de Puerto Concordia (Meta). Debido a la presencia de un clima bimodal está actividad se ve altamente afectada en la época de sequía, pues el alimento para el ganado escasea, lo que provoca una disminución en los sistemas de producción. Por tal motivo, se optó por implementar un cultivo de maíz ATL 200 para la fabricación de ensilaje. El cultivo tuvo un manejo integrado de arvenses, plagas y enfermedades. La producción fue 9.000 kg de ensilaje y 937,5 kg de grano. La inversión económica fue de $ 8.025.100. El componente social se enfocó en la participación de la recolección de información para varios proyectos que buscan beneficiarios a comunidades campesinas del municipio, también se trabajó en la creación de una asociación de jóvenes cuya legalización está en proceso. Entretanto, el componente investigativo tuvo como finalidad la evaluación de bíofertilizantes sobre la producción de biomasa de pasto amargo (Brachiaria decumbens). La aplicación de bíofertilizantes actúa positivamente sobre el pasto amargo y disminuye la aplicación de fertilizantes de síntesis química. De este proceso queda una grandiosa experiencia en la cual se evidencia que en los cultivos son muchos los factores que inciden en la productividad de estos, por tal motivo se requiere de una buena planeación y de buscar soluciones a los imprevistos que se presentan. Y gracias a todas estas experiencias adquiridas en Zona de Origen (ZO) ayuda a fortalecer los conocimientos adquiridos, lo que conlleva a obtener una visión más amplia de emprendimiento en el campo colombiano y mediante esta visión se obtiene una gran responsabilidad social,

Resumen en lengua extranjera 1

Livestock is one of the main economic activities of the municipality of Puerto Concordia (Meta). Due to the presence of a bimodal climate this activity is highly affected in the drought season, as food for livestock is scarce, resulting in a decrease in production systems. For this reason, it was decided to implement an ATL 200 maize crop for silage manufacturing. The crop had an integrated management of weeds, pests and diseases. Production was 9,000 kg of silage and 937.5 kg of grain. Economic investment was $8,025,100. The social component focused on the participation of information collection for several projects that seek to benefit peasant communities of the municipality, also worked on the creation of an association of young people whose legalization is in process. In the meantime, the research component aimed to evaluate biofertilizers on the production of bitter grass biomass (Brachiaria decumbens). The application of biofertilizers acts positively on bitter grass and decreases the application of chemical synthesis fertilizers. From this process there is a great experience in which it was evident that in crops there are many factors that affect the productivity of these, for this reason it requires good planning and to seek solutions to the unforeseen events that arise. Thanks to all these experiences acquired in Origin area it helps to strengthen the acquired knowledge, which leads to a broader vision of entrepreneurship in the Colombian field and through this vision you obtain a great social, economic and environmental responsibility so that Colombian rurality has the desired development. Livestock is one of the main economic activities of the municipality of Puerto Concordia (Meta). Due to the presence of a bimodal climate this activity is highly affected in the drought season, as food for livestock is scarce, resulting in a decrease in production systems. For this reason, it was decided to implement an ATL 200 maize crop for silage manufacturing. The crop had an integrated management of undergrowth, pests and diseases. Production was 9,000 kg of silage and 937.5 kg of grain. Economic investment was $8,025,100. The social component focused on the participation of information collection for several projects that seek to benefit peasant communities of the municipality, also worked on the creation of an association of young people whose legalization is in process. In the meantime, the research component aimed to evaluate borofertilizers on the production of bitter grass biomass (Brachiaria decumbens). The application of biofertilizers acts positively on bitter grass and decreases the application of chemical synthesis fertilizers. From this process there is a great experience in which it was evident that in crops there are many factors that affect the productivity of these, for this reason it requires good planning and to seek solutions to the unforeseen events that arise. And thanks to all these experiences acquired in Zona de Origen (ZO) it helps to strengthen the acquired knowledge, which leads to a broader vision of entrepreneurship in the Colombian field and through this vision you obtain a great social, economic and environmental responsibility so that Colombian rurality has the desired development

Palabras clave

Producción de ensilaje de maíz (Zea mays L.), Hibrido ATL 200, Actividad socioeconómica, Municipio de Puerto Concordia, Meta

Tipo de documento

Trabajo de grado - Pregrado

Licencia Creative Commons

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Fecha de elaboración


Programa académico

Ingeniería Agronómica


Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias


Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Ingeniería Agronómica
