Tutor 1

Sosa Rico, Miguel Darío


The cultivation of watermelon is very important because it has great benefits. In the Department of Meta is the largest producer has produced range from 60,000 tonnes with a 60% stake, comparing this figure with the total production of the country almost 100,000 tonnes is a very high production, (Agronet, 2007). The productive project is carried out in order to be a chance to show the region that you can sow other crops that are reliable and also generate income to a short time and business. This leads to an alternative for overcoming in the rural area, providing income to agriculture without high costs in production and management. The cultivation of watermelon (citrullus lanatus) is a transitional crop, which means that in the year the case is could generate revenue 3 to 4 times given if is sowing consecutively. This project seeks to provide knowledge to small and medium-sized producers, performing technical assistance to farmers, crops and surveys on the management of the same.

Palabras clave

Sandía, Cultivo de sandía, Sandía - Enfermedades y plagas, Agronomía, Agricultura alternativa, Agricultura sostenible, Watermelons, Watermelon cultivation, Watermelon - Diseases and pests, Agronomy, Alternative agriculture, Sustainable agriculture

Fecha de elaboración


Programa académico

Ingeniería Agronómica


Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias
