Implementación de un cultivo de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum) como nueva alternativa de diversificación agrícola, en el municipio de Chaparral, Tolima
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Ingeniería Agronómica
Teniendo en cuenta que la economía del municipio de Chaparral, Tolima está basada en la producción de café (Coffea arabica) y la ganadería bovina, la implementación de un sistema de producción de hortalizas, particularmente de tomate (S. lycopersicum) se convierte en nueva alternativa de diversificación agrícola, debido a la importancia de este cultivo en la canasta familiar de la región y del país. Además, las condiciones edafoclimáticas, los sitios de comercialización y el consumo de estas hortalizas favorecen el establecimiento con fines comerciales del cultivo (Pérez, et al. 2002). De esta manera, se ejecutó un proyecto productivo con cuatro componentes: agronómico, investigativo, social y de empresarización del campo, el cual fue ejecutado en el municipio de Chaparral Tolima, en la vereda el Guadual corregimiento de la Marina. En cuanto al componente agronómico, se estableció un cultivo de tomate (S. lycopersicum), variedad Chonto hibrido Roble en un área de 1200 m2, donde se alcanzó una producción de 5.150 kg la cual supera los rendimientos del municipio de Chaparral. En el componente de investigación, se determinó que la aplicación de materia orgánica en forma de compost procedente de estiércol porcino más fertilización de síntesis química al 100% (T1) y la aplicación de fertilización de síntesis química 100% (T5) no presentaron diferencias significativas en relación con las variables de rendimiento del cultivo de tomate (S. lycopersicum), de la misma manera presentaron resultados superiores comparados con el testigo (Sin fertilización química, sin materia orgánica) y el T4 (Aplicación de materia orgánica). Por otro lado, en el social se realizaron capacitaciones a los agricultores sobre elaboración de enmiendas orgánicas, teniendo buenos resultados de satisfacción y de asistencia de los agricultores. Por último, el componente de empresarización del campo afirma que el proyecto es viable debido a los resultados del análisis financiero realizado al proyecto.
Taking into account that the economy of the municipality of Chaparral, Tolima is based on the production of coffee (Coffea arabica) and cattle, the implementation of a system for the production of vegetables, particularly tomatoes (S. lycopersicum) becomes new Alternative agricultural diversification, due to the importance of this crop in the family basket of the region and the country. In addition, the soil and climate conditions, the commercialization sites and the consumption of these vegetables favor the establishment for commercial purposes of the crop (Pérez, et al. 2002). In this way, a productive project with four components was executed: agronomic, investigative, social and business of the field, which was executed in the municipality of Chaparral Tolima, in the village of Guadual, corregimiento of the Navy. As for the agronomic component, a tomato crop (S. lycopersicum) was established, a variety of Chonto hybrid Oak in an area of 1200 m2, where a production of 5,150 kg was reached which exceeds the yields of the municipality of Chaparral. In the research component, it was determined that the application of organic matter in the form of compost from pig manure plus 100% chemical synthesis fertilization (T1) and the application of 100% chemical synthesis fertilization (T5) did not show significant differences in relation to the yield variables of the tomato crop (S. lycopersicum), in the same way they presented superior results compared to the control (Without chemical fertilization, without organic matter) and the T4 (Application of organic matter). On the other hand, in the social training were carried out to farmers on the development of organic amendments, having good results of satisfaction and assistance of farmers. Finally, the field business component affirms that the project is viable due to the results of the financial analysis carried out on the project
Taking into account that the economy of the municipality of Chaparral, Tolima is based on the production of coffee (Coffea arabica) and cattle, the implementation of a system for the production of vegetables, particularly tomatoes (S. lycopersicum) becomes new Alternative agricultural diversification, due to the importance of this crop in the family basket of the region and the country. In addition, the soil and climate conditions, the commercialization sites and the consumption of these vegetables favor the establishment for commercial purposes of the crop (Pérez, et al. 2002). In this way, a productive project with four components was executed: agronomic, investigative, social and business of the field, which was executed in the municipality of Chaparral Tolima, in the village of Guadual, corregimiento of the Navy. As for the agronomic component, a tomato crop (S. lycopersicum) was established, a variety of Chonto hybrid Oak in an area of 1200 m2, where a production of 5,150 kg was reached which exceeds the yields of the municipality of Chaparral. In the research component, it was determined that the application of organic matter in the form of compost from pig manure plus 100% chemical synthesis fertilization (T1) and the application of 100% chemical synthesis fertilization (T5) did not show significant differences in relation to the yield variables of the tomato crop (S. lycopersicum), in the same way they presented superior results compared to the control (Without chemical fertilization, without organic matter) and the T4 (Application of organic matter). On the other hand, in the social training were carried out to farmers on the development of organic amendments, having good results of satisfaction and assistance of farmers. Finally, the field business component affirms that the project is viable due to the results of the financial analysis carried out on the project
Palabras clave
Implementación, Cultivo de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum), Nueva alternativa, Diversificación agrícola, Municipio de Chaparral, Tolima