Tutor 1

Riveros Castillo, Jairo Enrique

Resumen en lengua extranjera 1

In this project a methodology will be designed to be applied in the company GAVAG Arquitectos Ltda. To improve and implement the processes in the management of projects under the PMBOK model, with which it is sought that according to the methods used in each of the areas of said methodology are improved and implemented, for each of the areas interested in the process management of the company. After the analysis carried out in the company, some inconsistencies will be determined and the implementation of said methodology will be managed to design the processes that lead to the expected results according to the company's base objectives, all the elements that will be reviewed will be reviewed (the part of human talents, technical, information, financial and administrative resources). With the implementation of the methodology an increase in process management improvement will be achieved to minimize the resources of each of the areas of the company and achieve benefits that will result in better decision making in each of the specific areas. The company does NOT have a real and valid study for the management of processes that improve its internal and external aspects, to project a company with solid elements to the Colombian business environment. Therefore, we must use a proven technical method validated for decades in the different business areas worldwide in the PMBOK methodology. This project is chosen as a fundamental part of the professional development of the architects and engineers of our country, and to achieve a better knowledge of the development of these professions. This company is chosen because it is a repetitive model in the Colombian sphere and to see the results of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá in which it shows that companies are created, but do not remain in the market, of 100 companies only 5% pass the 15 years of creation with which it does not show that process management is not well founded to give the results that are expected. The scheme used for the development of this work is the analysis of GAVAG Arquitectos Ltda., with the method of the PMBOK methodology, to then give applicability to the PMI methodology.

Palabras clave

Arquitectura, Software de ordenador, Gestión de la calidad, Gestión de proyectos, Programación de computadoras, Gestión de la información

Tipo de documento

Tesis de maestría

Licencia Creative Commons

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Fecha de elaboración


Programa académico

Maestría en Ingeniería


Facultad de Ingeniería


Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de ingeniería. Maestría en Ingeniería

Included in

Engineering Commons
