Analysis of the cove basin aquifer in san andres Island, Colombia

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date


Publication Title

Development, Growth, Environment and Social Equity


The analysis through indicators is used to describe the different characteristics of the environment and as a tool to make decisions in environmental management. The Regional Water Evaluations is an instrument for making national, territorial or local decisions through which is characterize the supply and demand of the hydric resource, its quality and the natural disturbance regime, by applying different hydric indicators where it reflects its condition in a specific moment. This research article is based on the application of three groundwater indicators applied in the Cove Basin at the Island of San Andrés (Colombia): Groundwater Extraction Indicator, Groundwater Extraction for Public Supply per capita Indicator and Groundwater Vulnerability Indicator. The results obtained consider the necessity to established concrete actions to guarantee the sustainable hydric supply so the community can access to the minimum basic consumption suggested for Colombia (110 Liter/ habitant/day). In the same way is necessary to improve the sanitary conditions, in order to consolidate a safe and sustainable hydric supply to the island of San Andrés.

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