Monitoring of the state of the meteorological network that serves the National Natural Parks, to follow the atmospheric conditions that accompany the parks located in the department of la Guajira


Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Publication Title

8th Congreso Colombiano y Conferencia Internacional en Calidad de Aire y Salud Publica, CASAP 2021 - Proceedings


Monitoring meteorological conditions is an important activity in the planning of the management and conservation of Protected Areas, since knowing the climate regime allows for more accurate decision-making aimed at achieving conservation objectives. Incorporating climate change impact scenarios in the management, conservation and restoration is one of the strategic lines for the management and conservation of ecosystems and their ecosystem services for low-carbon and climate-resilient development [1]. Therefore, the objective of this project was to technically evaluate the way in which the monitoring of the behavior of meteorological variables is carried out by the National Natural Parks of Colombia-PNNC in the National Natural Park Serrania de La Macuira, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Bahia Portete-Kaurrele and Sanctuary of flora and fauna Los flamencos, identifying the origin of the problems in the operation of the meteorological stations and the failures in the registration of data, proposing alternatives that lead to a better operation of these observation points. The project was carried out in four stages: Exploratory, the meteorological information available in the study area was compiled and managed. Information analysis, in which the information available in the PNNC and Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies-IDEAM databases was verified and analyzed. Climate characterization of the study area, determining the spatial-temporal behavior of the basic meteorological parameters. Analysis of the meteorological network operating in the department, the proposal for the distribution of the stations operated by PNNC and the management of meteorological information was elaborated, the data collected were analyzed, considering the criteria and methodologies defined by the World Meteorological Organization-WMO for the conformation of a minimum functional network, which meets the needs of the entity.




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