Tutor 1

Jiménez Ariza, Heidi Tatiana

Tutor 2

Rey Rodríguez, Javier Francisco


El departamento del Casanare cuenta con gran potencial para el cultivo de plátano, en especial la zona norte del departamento, aunque su cultivo lo desarrolla pequeños productores, el área de cultivo ha llegado a 3500 has en el año 2011. mayor producción de plátano están Trinidad, Paz de Ariporo y Hato corozal. (Olmos, 2015). Siendo los platanicultores de Casanare los propios colectivos, quienes al ver que sus productos no dan las ganancias que ellos necesitan, se les hace partícipes en esta investigación con el fin de dar valor agregado a su producción postcosecha realizando transferencia de conocimiento en diferentes sesiones y posteriormente gracias a sus propias indagaciones desarrollar un diseño de planta para así con la ayuda de las entidades gubernamentales y no gubernamentales poder construirla e incrementar los ingresos de la comunidad según la demanda del mercado. De acuerdo con Lemos y Laverde 2019 este proyecto se desarrolló en 3 etapas, la primera un Diagnóstico de la problemática, la segunda fue una programación de encuentros con la comunidad y la tercera y última etapa fue parte de las soluciones y conclusiones de la investigación con la comunidad dando disminución de pérdidas y manejo poscosecha.

Resumen en lengua extranjera 1

The purpose of this research work is to strengthen the promotion in the implementation of the productive chains that contribute to the economic growth of the department, a Participatory Action Research (IAP) was carried out, which allowed the community to strengthen knowledge of banana processing techniques , good manufacturing practices, good agricultural practices and subsequently acquire a design of a banana processing plant, contributing to the National Development Plan 2018- 2022, the needs, the environment where the community is established and the production capacity of the banana, which allowed to contribute both to an economic establishment of the platanicultores of the Casanare and to connect and to potentiate the sustainable pantry of the region with the country and the world. The department of Casanare has great potential for the cultivation of bananas, especially the northern part of the department, although its cultivation is developed by small producers, the cultivation area has reached 3500 hectares in 2011. Within the municipalities that it has The largest banana production are Trinidad, Paz de Ariporo and Hato corozal. (Olmos, 2015). Being the Casanare banana growers themselves, who, seeing that their products do not give the profits they need, are made participants in this investigation in order to give added value to their post-harvest production by transferring knowledge in different sessions and subsequently Thanks to their own inquiries, they develop a plant design so that with the help of governmental and non-governmental entities, they can build it and increase the income of the community according to market demand. According to Lemos and Laverde 2019 this project was developed in 3 stages, the first a Diagnosis of the problem, the second was a schedule of meetings with the community and the third and final stage was part of the solutions and conclusions of the research with the community giving decrease of losses and postharvest handling. With this research, Casanare's banana growers acquire a new vision of banana processing to reduce post-harvest losses and obtain greater profit with products that in the future can offer the market to meet the needs of consumers.

Palabras clave

Investigación, Acción participativa, Comunidad de platanicultores, Procesamiento de plátano, Casanare

Tipo de documento

Trabajo de grado - Pregrado

Licencia Creative Commons

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Fecha de elaboración


Programa académico

Ingeniería de Alimentos


Facultad de Ingeniería


Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería de Alimentos

Included in

Engineering Commons
