Determination of Positional Parameters of the Distal Phalanx Within the Hoof Capsule in Sound Colombian Paso Horses


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Journal of Equine Veterinary Science


The economic relevance, populational importance and expansion of the Colombian Paso Horse to other latitudes calls for a growth in studies based on this type of horse. Lack of written reports about the relationship of the distal phalanx (DP) within the hoof in this gaited horse makes it important to establish a baseline to determine hoof health and possible alterations. The purpose of this study was to report, for the first time, the positional parameters of the distal phalanx, and its relationship within the hoof in sound Colombian Paso Horses. A latero-medial radiographic image of each digit was taken in 45 horses between 3 and 5 years old, distributed into groups according to the gaits determined by FEDEQUINAS. Three angles and three distances were measured. The dorsal wall thickness (W-T) was measured proximally and distally, and the sole depth (P-S) was measured dorsally and palmarly/plantarly. As expected, these distances showed moderate to strong positive correlations in front (W-Tp/W-Td r = 0.53; P-Sd/P-Sp r = 0.72) and hind feet (W-Tp/W-Td r = 0.61; P-Sd/P-Sp r = 0.71). The palmar/plantar angle of the distal phalanx (PA) and sole depth (P-S) showed that the distal phalanx of the hind feet is flatter compared to the front. The results of this study show differences in the positional parameters of distal phalanx compared to other breeds of horses and provides information for veterinarians and farriers working with Colombian Paso Horses.






